The Power of a Pause

November 08, 2024

Like many college students, I was always on the go, filling my day with classes, club meetings, work and time with friends. The thing about moving fast, though, is that you don’t necessarily have to...

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The Courage to Create

March 01, 2025

Writing poetry. Drawing. Sharing my inner thoughts with others. Being vulnerable. All of these concepts were foreign to me before entering HopeWay in 2024. Now, as I share my story, I can truly say all...

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

February 25, 2025

Eating Disorder Stereotypes What do you think of when you hear the phrase "eating disorder"? There are many societal stereotypes that surround these specific diagnoses. Common Misconceptions  Eating disorders are a rich, female Caucasian problem;...

The Importance of Sleep for Mental Health

February 21, 2025

Everyone Does It. Everyone Needs It. But Not Enough of Us Get It. Sleep.  Written by Justin Johnson, MD, DFAPA, Psychiatrist - Director of Veteran & First Responder Services Recommended Hours of Sleep Despite the importance of...

A Journey Through Hell and Back

January 21, 2025

Danny, Former HopeWay Client  Life Before HopeWay I can remember growing up as a happy-go-lucky child. As I became a teenager, I noticed periods when I would feel down, but I was able to bounce...

New Year. Clear Mind.

January 01, 2025

Journaling for Wellness It’s the new year - a fresh start and a clean page. Throughout January, we invite you to join us in Journaling For Wellness. We have written a daily journal prompt designed to...

Radical Acceptance in a Time of Uncertainty

December 19, 2024

Written by Andrew Harris, MS, LCMHC, Primary Therapist & Clinical Director - Center for Eating Disorders DBT and Radical Acceptance In times of uncertainty, it is both understandable and valid to feel anxious. Navigating unfamiliar situations...

Self-Care in the New Year

December 17, 2024

Alyson Kuroski-Mazzei, DO, DFAPA, FASAM CEO & Chief Medical Officer  Last week, someone asked me about my self-care routine. I hesitated–yoga? It felt more like an aspiration than an answer. It reminded me of an...

Gratitude is More Than Just Saying "Thank You"

December 17, 2024

John Conway, LCSWA - Primary Therapist  What is Gratitude? Gratitude is a mindset that involves recognizing and appreciating the good in life, no matter how small. This simple practice can transform your outlook, improve your...

Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety

December 17, 2024

Mollie Sandler, LCSW - Primary Therapist  Social Anxiety During the Holidays As we navigate through the holiday season, we may find our calendars full of social engagements, celebrations, and parties. Gatherings with family, friends, and...

Journaling for Mental Health

December 13, 2024

Kaitlin Wightman-Ausman, MT-BC, Music Therapist  Writing as Therapy with a Mental Health Journal Writing has been around for thousands of years and is typically a skill we learn at a young age. We often associate...

Productive Leisure Activities - Oxymoron or Effective Therapy?

November 20, 2024

Written by Leigh Spada, LRT/CTRS, Recreational Therapist What are Leisure Activities or Productive Leisure Time? When you hear the term "leisure time" and “productive leisure” – what comes to mind? Do you think of tasks like mowing...

Determined to Heal

November 07, 2024

One of my favorite HopeWay therapists told me, “Everything works until it doesn’t.” And that’s exactly what happened to me. I was one of those high-achieving, “jack-of-all-trades” types of people who took every traumatic experience...

Breathe Deep With Pranayama

September 30, 2024

Genevieve Scott, MT-BC, RYT Music Therapist The Therapeutic Benefits of Breathwork During Yoga Yoga classes at HopeWay often begin and end with pranayama, or breathwork. During pranayama, clients are guided to focus on their breath, practice techniques...

Lessons From the Field

September 30, 2024

Austin Sowell, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC Nurse Practitioner - Eating Disorders Student Athlete Mental Health Over the past several years, there has been significant attention on the mental well-being of athletes, particularly college athletes. With all the...

Being a Non-Profit Matters

September 30, 2024

Written by Alyson Kuroski-Mazzei, DO, DFAPA, FASAM, CEO & Chief Medical Officer  Primum Non Nocere (First Do No Harm) As a physician executive, reading the recent New York Times article “How a Leading Chain of...

Difference Between Inpatient and Residential Mental Health Treatment

August 20, 2024

Written by Tom Gettelman, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer & Director of Admissions What is the Difference Between Inpatient and Residential Treatment? Acute Inpatient Hospitalization A person is actively suicidal or homicidal or their psychiatric symptoms are...

Understanding The Teenage Brain

July 19, 2024

You often hear that adolescence is one of the biggest times for change. Teens are going through puberty, growth spurts, navigating relationships and new responsibilities. In addition to the physical, social and emotional changes, their...

The Healing Power of Stories - Meet Megan

June 26, 2024

Life Prior to HopeWay I’d heard stories about people overcoming mental health struggles before, but I never believed one of those stories could be me. My experience felt different. Like I was the only one...

Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: myths, realities, and treatment

June 26, 2024

Written by Kevin Marra, MD Director of Medical Services  In my experience as a psychiatrist, I've frequently noticed that conversations surrounding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) tend to stir up a mix of misconceptions and uncertainties. In...

Summer Break Mental Health Tips for Students

May 15, 2024

Blake Ravin, LCMHC, Primary Therapist – Teen Mental Health Program Summer is often a time of relaxation and enjoyment for students, but it's important to remember that mental health doesn't take a break. For teens...

Mental Health Awareness Month - How to Support a Loved One

May 10, 2024

Written by Alyson Kuroski-Mazzei, DO, DFAPA, FASAM CEO & Chief Medical Officer  When is Mental Health Awareness Month?  Mental illness impacts millions of Americans each year. During Mental Health Awareness Month in May, we are offering...

Healing Together: Benefits of Group Therapy

April 11, 2024

Written by Blake Ravin, LCMHC Primary Therapist - Teen Program Participating in group therapy offers a unique and positive impact that is difficult to replicate in a 1:1 session. If you’re thinking “what are the...

A Story of Hope: A Healing Community

March 26, 2024

HopeWay Alumni Support When I received an email about the new ‘Alumni Garden Club’ at HopeWay, I immediately texted my friends from treatment to sign up with me. Going back to HopeWay is more than...

Managing Mealtimes

March 26, 2024

Sarah Craig Haverland, MS, RD, LDN, Health & Wellness Specialist and Kristen Shaben, MS, RD, LDN, NBC-HWC, RYT Health & Wellness Specialist Meal planning often feels like an additional burden in our already busy lives, causing...

Post Traumatic Growth: From Darkness to Light, From Trauma to Growth

March 26, 2024

Marianne Huebner, MS-ATR, Art Therapist  The most dangerous time for a bird to be alive is at night. The darkest hours become the most vulnerable because that is when predators (snakes, raccoons, opossums, and cats)...

Navigating Recovery: HopeWay’s New Eating Disorder Programs

March 14, 2024

We are excited to introduce two new eating disorder programs to our list of services and programs. These programs include an adolescent track tailored for individuals ages 12 to 17 and a young adult track...

Standing in the Rain: Visualizing Mindful Meditation

February 21, 2024

Participate in this guided meditation that combines mindfulness and art therapy to help center your thoughts. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with responsibilities, tasks, and burdens that can put a damper on our emotional...

Grounding: 5-Step Technique to a Relaxed Body & Mind

February 21, 2024

Grounding Technique The idea of being grounded is really just about being connected to the present moment and this technique is a great tool to use when feeling anxious or overwhelmed. If you were asked...

Metta Meditation: Learn to Love Yourself & Those Around You

February 21, 2024

Participate at home in a metta meditation with our meditation practitioner. In the busy world we live in, finding time to unplug from the world and look inward can seem like an impossible task. Amongst...

Don't Should Yourself

December 11, 2023

Erin Dos Reis, LCSW Clinical Director, Teen Mental Health Programs Holiday Pressure The holidays seem to come around faster and faster every year. This might be because there are Halloween decorations out during the summer...

Supporting Youth Mental Health

October 05, 2023

HopeWay Covington Event  On September 13th in a crowded theater at CPCC, Dr. Harold Koplewicz joined Dr. Kuroski-Mazzei for a conversation on the current state of adolescent mental health. While this topic can be overwhelming...

A Different Kind of Prescription for Depression: Strength Training

September 28, 2023

Angela Fedchenko, MD, PMH-C, Psychiatrist - Medical Director of Admissions & Women's Psychiatry  The Impact of Exercise on Mental Health “How often are you able to exercise?” The psychiatrists typically ask this question during a...

3 Takeaways From a (Two-Time) HopeWay Alumna

September 28, 2023

My Journey With HopeWay Before I dive in, let me share a bit about my story with you. On paper, my life was incredible, but the truth was, just existing felt unbearable. I couldn’t make...

The Essence of Resilience

September 28, 2023

Sheri Tiziani, MS, LCMHCS, Primary Therapist What Does it Mean to be Resilient? “We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds”. - Aristotle...

7 Ways to Empower Your Child to Embrace Change

August 29, 2023

Taren Coley, Director of Child & Adolescent Services  Article previously written for QCity Metro The Impact of Change on Teens and Adolescents Change can be difficult, regardless of age, and often accompanied by fear of the...

Marijuana and Young People: A Growing Problem

June 27, 2023

Alan Bozman, PhD Director of Clinical Services Many Baby Boomers, Generation X and even Millennials grew up with the notion that cannabis is a relatively harmless substance. When some parents discover their child is experimenting...

Self-Worth: A Cornerstone of Mental Health

June 21, 2023

Written by Ama Owusuaa, MEd, LCMHC-S, NCC, Primary Therapist  Self-Worth vs. Self-Esteem  In HopeWay’s self-awareness therapy group, we talk about the terms “self-worth” and “self-esteem” which are often confused. These two words are not synonymous,...

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Care & Community Resources

June 08, 2023

Sheri Tiziani, LCMHCS, Primary Therapist  Ren Brown (they/she), LPC, LCMHCA, CCTP, ISTT, EMDR-Trained Primary Therapist    Welcoming Pride Month 2023 As we enter Pride Month, we believe it will be helpful to highlight some of...

Minding Your Mental Health Challenge - MHA Month

April 26, 2023

Mental Health Awareness Month is a month dedicated to increasing awareness and education about mental health, the realities of living with a mental illness, and strategies to live mentally well. Throughout the month of May, we...

How to Manage Stress During Finals

April 25, 2023

Lucy Falls, MPH, RD, LDN Registered Dietician - Health & Wellness Specialist End of School Year Stress Longer days, warmer temperatures and more things on the calendar means springtime is ramping up. This can be...

Self-Care Tips for Stress Awareness Month

April 20, 2023

Erin Dos Reis, LCSW, Primary Therapist  What is Chronic Stress Chronic stress can cause depression, anxiety, insomnia,  headaches and other symptoms that affect our health. During Stress Awareness Month, which was created in 1992 to...

What is Bipolar Disorder?

March 13, 2023

Kristi Wragg, MD, MSW, Director of Outpatient Services Bipolar disorder is more than mood swings: understanding accurate diagnostic terminology Bipolar Disorder Stigma  Mental health diagnostic terminology is often used in everyday conversation, and commonly, the...

The Benefits of Blessing Others

November 30, 2022

Written by JD McNutt, Pastoral Care Coordinator  Giving Back  Three years ago I was in Costa Rica on a mission trip, and each afternoon our group gathered together food items – powdered milk, corn meal,...

Regaining Control Over Anxiety

November 30, 2022

Written by Alan Bozman, PhD, Director of Clinical Services   Anxiety Around the Holidays  We all experience anxiety and, for many, the holidays can exacerbate feelings of anxiousness. To understand how anxiety can become problematic, you...

National Suicide Prevention Month & Signs of Suicide

September 13, 2022

Written by Tom Gettelman, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer at HopeWay Stigma Around Suicide  Suicide. Admittedly, this is a hard, uncomfortable and sensitive subject to approach in conversation. There is still quite a bit of stigma and shame shrouding...

Postpartum Depression Impacts Everyone, Not Just Mothers

September 07, 2022

Angela Fedchenko, MD, Medical Director of Admissions & Women's Psychiatry  PPD Postpartum Depression (PPD) has been increasingly studied, and new treatments have been developed in recent years. However, it still remains stigmatized and under-recognized given...

Carbs & Anxiety: How Carbs Affect Mental Health

August 31, 2022

Written by Sarah Craig Haverland, MS, RD, LDN Health & Wellness Specialist and Ellen Jones, MS, RD, LDN, Health & Wellness Specialist When a new season approaches, many of us enjoy pursuing the local farmers market to...

Behavioral Health vs Mental Health

June 09, 2022

Written by Tom Gettelman, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer  Oftentimes “mental health” and “behavioral health” are used to mean the same thing.  But is it accurate to do so?  The terms “mental health” and “behavioral health”...

Tuning Into Music for Mental Health

June 09, 2022

Written by Joan Kleinmann, MT-BC, LRT/CTRS Music and Emotions  Have you ever been brought to tears by a song? Or heard a song on the radio that made a memory so intense it was like...

The Effects of Social Isolation on Mental Health

February 21, 2022

Loneliness Caused by Social Interaction  Over the past two years, people have become increasingly disconnected from one another. We have had to “shelter in place” and “socially distance” in order to keep ourselves physically safe....

Orthorexia Nervosa: When Healthful Eating Becomes Harmful

February 21, 2022

Written by Greer Mitchell, JD, MD, Director of HopeWay's Center for Eating Disorders  The Problem With Perfection  In January, many people pledged to do less of this thing and more of that, hoping to end old...

A Story of Hope: Meet Harrison

February 21, 2022

Before HopeWay Following a catastrophic series of hospitalizations, which occurred near the end of my time in school, it is fairly safe to say I was a very broken person. I found myself heavily traumatized...

Your Questions Have Been Answered

February 16, 2022

Finding the right mental health treatment can be complicated, and if you or a loved one is suffering, the process can be emotional and overwhelming too. Whether you are trying to find treatment for yourself...

Putting Thoughts On Trial

January 20, 2022

By Erin Dos Reis, LCSW, Primary Therapist  Cognitive Distortions THIS IS GOING TO LAST FOREVER. That type of thinking is easy to get sucked into right now. Even the line at the grocery store feels...

Psychiatric Medication Management For Mental Health

January 20, 2022

Written by Dr. Kevin Marra, MD, Psychiatrist - Director of Medical Services Common Concerns  “Do I have to take medicine as part of my treatment?” “I’m hesitant to go on medication because I don’t want...

A Story of Hope: Meet Elizabeth

December 21, 2021

Before HopeWay Growing up, I always made excuses for things that went wrong in my life. I struggled to take responsibility for my wrongdoings, and I refused to admit I needed help. In June 2020,...

A Story of Hope: Meet Nicole

December 20, 2021

Journey to HopeWay Hi, my name is Nicole and I'm one of the millions of people who suffer from mental illness. My journey with severe depression began with the birth of my first child. Pregnancy...

5 Years Strong

November 30, 2021

Over the past five years, we have seen firsthand the ripple effect of HOPE. It can start small, maybe even with one person and then it grows and spreads. HOPE becomes an unstoppable force propelling people...

7 Ways to Practice Self-Care During the Holidays

November 22, 2021

By Marianne Huebner, MS-ATR, Art Therapist  “We must have pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of pie.” - David Mamet Each year, after the celebration of haunts and spirits, we begin to prepare for...

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

November 19, 2021

Sheri Tiziani, LCMHCS, Primary Therapist  Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is one of the therapeutic modalities used at HopeWay. Clients engage in DBT in both group therapy and individual therapy. DBT is a type of Cognitive...

A Story of Hope: Meet Tim

October 05, 2021

HopeWay gave me a different outlook on life. Just like the name says, I found hope. I’m a Veteran and spent 30 years in the Marine Corps. I grew up in a working class family...

A Story of Hope: Meet Tracy

October 05, 2021

For the past 26 years, I believed that I was responsible for the trauma that happened in my life. I carried that weight around every single day and never thought anyone would ever understand. My...

The Impact of Big T and little t Trauma

October 05, 2021

Written by Kevin Marra, MD, Director of Medical Services  Trauma can describe a certain stressful or disturbing event. Trauma can also describe the effect such an event has on a person’s physical and emotional health. Big...

Food for Thought

October 05, 2021

By Ellen Jones, RD, LDN, Registered Dietician, Health & Wellness Specialist  In the Learning Kitchen at HopeWay, the Health & Wellness Specialists help clients understand the connection between their brain and their gut, their emotions...

EMDR Therapy

July 01, 2021

Written by Ross Cole, LCSW, Veterans Program - Primary Therapist  PTSD Treatment Programs One of the differentiators of HopeWay’s Veterans Program is that we offer all three of the most evidence-based and highly-recommended treatments for PTSD:...

Minority Mental Health Month

July 01, 2021

Lynn Conner, LCSW, Primary Therapist  Over the past year and half, we have experienced a global pandemic, state shut-downs and social unrest. The nation collectively grieved and continues to grieve lives lost to violence and...

Beet Pesto Recipe to Support Mental Wellness

June 28, 2021

Beet pesto is always a hit in the Learning Kitchen! This alternative to basil pesto not only tastes delicious but also provides significant health benefits. The pigment that gives beets their deep pink color is...

Planting Hope with a Container Garden

June 28, 2021

Bobbie Mabe - Horticultural Therapist  Gardening and Mental Health It is that time of year when people start freshening up their outdoor planters and working on their gardens, but did you know that these simple...

A Story of Hope: Meet Kate

June 28, 2021

I walked through the doors of HopeWay as a depressed, co-dependent person with no self-esteem. After six weeks of treatment, I left HopeWay strong, confident and comfortable in my own skin. It did not happen...

Shining a light on societal mental health and the future

April 12, 2021

Alyson Kuroski-Mazzei, DO, DFAPA, FASAM | CEO & Chief Medical Officer  You’ve seen the headlines. We are seeing mental health challenges surge as we continue to navigate the pandemic, and socioeconomic determinants of health continue to go...

The Benefits of Art Therapy: Creativity, Imagination & Well-being

April 12, 2021

Marianne Huebner, MS-ATR, Art Therapist                          Get out your glue gun and popsicle sticks; we are going to tackle mental wellness in a way you...

A Story of Hope: Meet Sherry

April 01, 2021

“HopeWay saved my life, literally saved me from myself.” I was at the lowest point in my life. Things had gotten so bad that I was having suicidal thoughts, which landed me in the hospital....

Understanding Veteran Culture to Provide Effective Treatment

February 18, 2021

Written by Ross Cole, LCSW, Primary Therapist - Veterans Program What is Veteran Culture? In 2018, while completing his psychiatry residency, Dr. Gregory Burek authored an article on Veteran culture that was published in the Resident’s Journal...

Ways to Combat Holiday Stress Related to COVID-19

December 01, 2020

Allison Todd, LCSW, Primary Therapist As we approach the holiday season, it is fair to experience a multitude of emotions related to this time of year, especially now that we are in the midst of...

HopeWay's Fourth Anniversary

November 30, 2020

Today marks HopeWay’s fourth anniversary! The facility welcomed its first client on Nov. 30, 2016 and has served more than 1,500 clients from 31 states and 2 other countries to date. The following are some...

Psychotherapy: A Personal Trainer for the Soul

October 01, 2020

Written by Justin Johnson, MD, DFAPA, Director of Veteran & First Responder Services  What is Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy, broadly defined, is an “interpersonal treatment based on psychological principles” (UpToDate, 2019). During psychotherapy, mental health-related change occurs in the...

Sometimes Heroes Need Saving Too: Physician Mental Health

August 03, 2020

Written by Kevin Marra, MD, Director of Medical Services Physicians. Our healthcare heroes. They have always been known for saving people’s lives but now they are risking their own lives to save others in light of...

A Story of Hope: Meet Katie

June 01, 2020

HopeWay not only changed the way I live my life, but it also saved my life. I will never be able to adequately express my gratitude, but I will do my best to provide hope...

Surviving to Thriving with Meditation

May 04, 2020

By Marianne Huebner, MS-ATR, HopeWay Art Therapist In the assumed quietude of being “safe at home”, the “shoulds” have poked the exiled ethos, telling us we aren’t doing enough, learning enough, succeeding enough, or focused...

#stayhomestayhopeful - Talking to Children about the Coronavirus

April 20, 2020

Written by Taren Coley, MD, Psychiatrist  As we are all tasked with figuring out our “new normal” in times like these, many adults are also dealing with finding ways to talk with children about the...

#stayhomestayhopeful - A Reflection: Adapting To A New Normal

April 14, 2020

By Judy Champagne, RN, Wellness Clinic Nurse One of my early memories is playing tag in the front yard. I turned my back and thought I would not be found. News flash: I was easily...

#stayhomestayhopeful - At Home Leisure Activities

April 14, 2020

By Leigh Giacometti, LRT/ CTRS, Recreational Therapist During this time of social distancing and quarantine it is important to remember to engage in healthy leisure activities. It is easy to get sucked into Netflix, TV,...

#stayhomestayhopeful - Values

April 10, 2020

By Alan Bozman, PhD, Director of Clinical Services  In times like these, it’s grounding to consider your values. Upon reading that sentence, you may think, "Why do I need to spend time thinking about my...

Best Ways To Practice Self-Care - #stayhomestayhopeful

April 10, 2020

By Saidat Kashimawo-Akande, MD During these unprecedented times in which we are being asked to shelter at home, be it alone or with others in the “family unit,” it can feel both daunting and unsettling....

#stayhomestayhopeful - Connecting with Nature

April 07, 2020

By Bobbie Mabe, Horticultural Therapist  Social distancing has become a part of our daily vocabulary. We are forced to isolate from one another in a time when we need true connection. But even during this...

Music & Writing When Times Feel Heavy

April 07, 2020

By Joan Kleinmann, MT-BC, LRT/CTRS, Music Therapist Ever since I was a young child, I can remember writing down my thoughts and feelings. I kept different journals for different occasions. One for travel, one for song lyrics,...

#stayhomestayhopeful - The Benefits Of Time With Our Furry Friends

April 07, 2020

By Allison Todd, LCSW, Primary Therapist In times of stress and uncertainty, we look for things that provide us comfort and stability. For some, that may be talking to friends and loved ones, taking a...

#stayhomestayhopeful - Gratitude.

April 07, 2020

By Sheri Tiziani, MS, LPC, Primary Therapist  Gratitude is a practice that we can all benefit from greatly in our daily lives. It has a tremendous impact on our mental health and overall well-being. Studies...

#stayhomestayhopeful - 10 Tips for Coping with Social Distancing

April 01, 2020

Written by Corey Connelly, MA, LPC, LCAS, HopeWay Primary Therapist Right now we’re living in an unprecedented, scary, and isolating time. Even though this is very difficult, and there are a lot of things we...

Why Integrative Medicine Works

February 03, 2020

Saidat Kashimawo-Akande, MD Staff Psychiatrist    In recent years there has been a recognizable shift in medical care that focuses more on the entire individual rather than one specific symptom or concern. The pendulum is...

A Story of Hope: Meet Brady, Three Years Later

November 26, 2019

November 30, 2019 marked 3 years since HopeWay welcomed its first client. To celebrate this anniversary, we decided to check in with Brady Smith, who came to HopeWay in that first month in 2016 as...

A Story of Hope: Meet Latimer

November 01, 2019

On November 6, 2018, I walked through the doors of HopeWay a broken man that wanted to get well. Yet, I felt that I did not deserve the wellness I sought. For years, I had...

Faces of Hope: Andrew Harris, MS, LCMHC

September 10, 2019

When a client admits to HopeWay, the members of their treatment team are dedicated to equipping the client with the resources they need to achieve their clinical goals. Primary Therapists are integral members of this...

Faces of Hope: Karen Ortiz, Outreach Specialist

August 13, 2019

Karen Ortiz is a member of HopeWay's dedicated team of Outreach Specialists who meet and build relationships with service providers, including hospitals, outpatient therapists, education consultants, and other specialty doctors, in a multi-layered effort to...

A Story of Hope: Meet Amanda

August 01, 2019

HopeWay. To many, this word doesn’t hold any significance. In fact, some don’t even know that it’s not just a word, but a place. Though housed in Charlotte, NC, HopeWay is a safe, nurturing sanctuary...

Faces of Hope: Carmella Aldridge, MA Client Care Coordinator

July 23, 2019

HopeWay's dedication to our clients' success extends to even after they have discharged from programming. Carmella Aldridge is one of HopeWay's Client Care Coordinators who helps clients transition back to work, school, family and outpatient treatment....

What is Trauma?

July 01, 2019

Trauma. Unfortunately, it is a word we hear often now in the news and media - trauma related to mass shootings, natural disasters, sexual assaults and bullying. But what is trauma? Definition of Trauma  Direct...

A Story of Hope: Meet Donna

July 01, 2019

About a year ago, I unexpectedly had to go on short term disability when my mental health began to severely impact my day-to-day living. In my role as a prominent and well-respected Occupational Therapist, I...

Faces of Hope: Daniel Oliveira, BSN, RN Nurse

June 07, 2019

When a client admits to HopeWay, the members of their treatment team are dedicated to equipping the client with the resources they need to achieve their clinical goals. As a key member of this team,...

Faces of Hope: Yvonne Carrasco, MSW, LCAS, MAC Primary Therapist

June 06, 2019

Faces of Hope: Getting to Know Members of  HopeWay's Treatment Team Yvonne Carrasco, MSW, LCAS, MAC  Primary Therapist When a client admits to HopeWay, the members of their treatment team are dedicated to equipping the...

Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues? Self-Care Either Way!

April 30, 2019

Written by Dr. Taren Coley, MD, Psychiatrist - Director of Child & Adolescent Services The art of prioritizing and personalizing self-care is a learned behavior. Logically we know that it is important to take care...

Dan Harris Helped Me Be Smarter About My Mental Health

March 11, 2019

Michael C. Hernandez, HopeWay Marketing and Social Media Near the end of 2018, I started seeing a new therapist. She taught me how to use the tools of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and she was also...

Faces of Hope: Jason Peck, Psychiatrist and Sleep Medicine Consultant

March 04, 2019

In addition to conducting psychiatric consultations as one of HopeWay's psychiatrists, Dr. Peck's unique training in sleep medicine also allows him to help clients who are actively being treated for problems related to hypersomnia, insomnia,...

What's Your Relationship Status with Your Food?

February 14, 2019

Written by Ellen Jones, MS, RD, LDN & Sarah Craig Haverland, RD, LDN Thinking about updating the relationship status between your brain and what you put in your body? Though HopeWay doesn't treat primary eating disorders,...

HopeWay's First Two Years: A Reflection from our CEO and Chief Medical Officer

January 23, 2019

Alyson R. Kuroski-Mazzei, DO, DFAPA, FASAM I’m still in awe at all we’ve built and accomplished at HopeWay in our first two years. It’s important that we pause early in this new year and reflect...

Rebecca: A Story of Transformation

January 16, 2019

"HopeWay was the best gift I could have ever given myself. It has changed my life in countless ways and I am forever grateful."    - Rebecca, former client As you've heard us say before,...

How To Prepare for Mental Health Treatment: A Conversation with an Admissions Specialist at HopeWay

October 25, 2018

By Morgan Liles, Director of Client Engagement You are finally ready to reach out for help dealing with the depression that has darkened your life for years.  Or you are desperately seeking help for a...

Why HopeWay?

September 24, 2018

Thanks to Simon Sinek’s enormously popular TED Talk, it has been increasingly common to ask people or organizations; “What’s Your Why?” Having recently read Sinek’s book, Start with Why, we started thinking about HopeWay’s purpose, cause...

A Story of Hope: Meet Justine

August 24, 2018

Wikipedia defines darkness as the partial or total absence of light.  For someone like myself who is diagnosed with major depressive disorder, the meaning is strikingly different. It could be 75 degrees outside with the...

Drumming Down Stress & Anxiety

August 01, 2018

While walking around HopeWay's campus, you may hear the sounds of rhythmic bass echoing through the halls. What you've stumbled upon is one of the drumming workshops led by our pastoral care counselor, JD McNutt....

Horticultural Therapy Program Profile

January 31, 2018

Our horticultural therapist, Bobbie Mabe, was featured in the 2018 winter newsletter, Horticultural Therapy Institute. Here is a sample of the article: Horticultural Therapy has been a part of therapeutic programming at HopeWay since its...

A Story of Hope: Meet Mary Anne

June 29, 2017

I'm 69 years old and have suffered from depression and bipolar disorder for the last 40 years. I've had many ups and downs with my health and my family and have probably been in 10...