Part of HopeWay’s mission is to “build awareness and acceptance through education.” Central to fulfilling this part of our mission is the George C. Covington Educational Program established for HopeWay by George’s family and friends.
The Educational Program allows us to provide valuable events that broaden the scope of impact into the larger community. The Covington Educational Program also provides critical resources to support ongoing community outreach, awareness, and help reduce stigmas associated with mental illness. Over the years, we have reached thousands through these in-person and virtual events.
Every year, we host a specific educational event open to the public. In 2023, we hosted Dr. Harold Koplewicz, renowned child & adolescent psychiatrist and the founder and president of Child Mind Institute, to speak about the state of youth mental health.
In the past, we have welcomed other renowned guests including Dr. Jennifer Ashton, Chief Medical Correspondent for ABC news, to speak about the importance of self-care, ABC News journalist and author of 10% Happier, Dan Harris, suicide survivor and author Kevin Hines and counselor/stand-up comedian David Granirer.

In addition to our annual Covington event, we host a variety of educational workshops and webinars. These can be smaller, more intimate events for clients and families, or designed to provide topical education for providers in our community. In the past, we have collaborated with businesses, places of worship, schools, mental health providers, international organizations and more.
Are you interested in collaborating with HopeWay to provide an educational event? Contact Morgan Liles.