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National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

February 25, 2025

Eating Disorder Stereotypes

What do you think of when you hear the phrase "eating disorder"? There are many societal stereotypes that surround these specific diagnoses.

Common Misconceptions 

  • Eating disorders are a rich, female Caucasian problem;

  • Men don't struggle with eating disorders;

  • People with eating disorders are either extremely thin or overweight.

What is an Eating Disorder?

Like many mental illnesses, eating disorders are often misunderstood. They are not lifestyle choices that only affect certain genders, socio-economic statuses, ethnicities or body types. Eating disorders are serious and complex conditions that have emotional, physical and cultural components. And they do not discriminate.

Social Media and Eating Disorders

Millions of people secretly struggle with food and body issues. Today's culture, with social media playing a huge role in comparison issues, apps on cell phones allowing people to easily photoshop pictures of themselves, and weight loss companies targeting children and adolescents does not help. The good news is individuals can overcome this struggle - there is hope for recovery.

February Eating Disorder Awareness Week 

In honor of this important week for mental health awareness, Greer Mitchell, JD, MD, Director of HopeWay's Center for Eating Disorders, gave us a few insights.

Useful Tips for Helping a Loved One Recover From Any Kind of Eating Disorder

What does work:

  • Learning more about eating disorders to increase your understanding of the signs, symptoms and treatment options.
  • Expressing concern, love and support. Use "I" statements to share your perspective instead of making assumptions. 
  • Asking how you can best support the individual. 
  • Encouraging the individual to seek help from eating-disorder specialists including physicians, therapists and dieticians.
  • Setting boundaries to protect your own mental and physical health.
  • Modeling a balanced relationship with nutrition and exercise.
  • Being prepared for difficult conversations. Eating disorders can take a drastic emotional and physical toll. Validate emotions even if you don't understand or agree. 

What doesn't work:

  • Ignoring or minimizing the problem. Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening illnesses. The sooner someone seeks help, the better their chance is for recovery.
  • Complimenting their body weight or shape. Try complimenting clothing/accessories, personality or other strengths.
  • Giving generic advice about weight loss, exercise or diets. 
  • Attempting to guilt or shame an individual regarding their beliefs or behaviors. Separating an individual from their illness is a power tool in recovery, and shifts blame from the individual to the illness itself. 
  • Oversimplifying recovery. Statements such as "just eat" are often unhelpful and invalidate the individual's struggle. 

Eating Disorder Treatment at HopeWay

HopeWay's Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for eating disorders features two distinct tracks: one for teens (ages 12-17) and another for young adults (ages 18-25). This level of care offers a supportive environment where individuals of all genders can gain a deeper understanding of their diagnosis and build essential skills to manage their symptoms effectively.

HopeWay provides a comprehensive approach to eating disorder treatment through a variety of evidence-based therapies, including traditional talk therapy, family therapy, and integrative therapies. Recognizing that each client connects with different aspects of treatment, HopeWay ensures a well-rounded program to support recovery.

Leading this impactful work is a dedicated team passionate about expanding access to high-quality care. Andrew Harris, MS, LCMHC, serves as the Clinical Director of the Center for Eating Disorders, while Greer Mitchell, MD, JD, is the Psychiatrist and Direct of HopeWay's Center for Eating Disorders. Their expertise and commitment drive HopeWay's missions to provide exceptional, life-changing treatment. 

Additional Eating Disorder Resources

National Eating Disorder Hotline: (800) 931-2237

National Eating Disorder Association


Learn More About HopeWay's Eating Disorder Programs


Editor's note: This blog post is presented for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. If you have any health concern, see a licensed healthcare professional in person.