Substance Use Disorders with a Primary Psychiatric Diagnosis

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), more than 8.9 million people in the US suffer from co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders; often called “dual diagnoses.” Only about 7% of these individuals receive treatment for both illnesses. Over half never receive any treatment.

Treatment at HopeWay

At HopeWay, we treat clients who have a primary psychiatric condition who also have a co-occurring substance use disorder. We are not a primary substance abuse facility and do not provide detoxification services. 

Addiction recovery and mental health recovery require some similar skill sets and awareness, most notably the ability to recognize, assess and challenge thinking that leads to an increase in mental health symptoms, active substance use or both. These skills are taught using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Along with CBT skills, clients need to learn how to regulate their emotions, become less reactive, develop distress tolerance, cope with overwhelming urges and emotions, and restore their sense of control when their body becomes dysregulated. These skills are taught using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). In addition, clients with addiction need to learn the relationship between their mental health symptoms and their substance use, the physiology and progression of the disease, as well as the issues that drive active use. An essential component of co-occurring treatment can be the incorporation of 12 Step principles (AA, NA, etc.), as well as understanding how these support groups help maintain abstinence and promote healing of body, mind, spirit and relationships.

We also treat clients with multiple health diagnoses, often called complex co-occurring disorders. For instance, someone who has bipolar disorder and ADHD. Or someone with schizophreniadepression, anxiety, insomnia, and/or trauma. Approximately 74% of our clients have two or more diagnoses.


Our clients who are in addiction recovery have a weekly substance abuse treatment group. We also encourage clients to attend AA or NA as a part of their treatment plan. 

One client who was suffering from co-occurring disorders said:

"Having spent almost 30 years in a 12-step program, I thought I had been given most of the recovery tools available - thank goodness I was mistaken. I now have a new set of recovery tools and have become aware of an entirely new 'me' - thanks to HopeWay." - Fielding