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A Story of Hope: Meet Mack

September 07, 2022

Prior to HopeWay

For most of my 24 years of life, I have mainly battled major depressive disorder, but I have also been treated for generalized anxiety along with my mood disorder. For many years, I often would, either intentionally or negligently, deceive the ones closest to me about how I was truly feeling or how life was going. I called it my ‘internalization’ behavior. I was dishonest because I was scared to reach out for the help I needed, regardless of the incredible support system I had (and still have) within my loving family and friends. I turned to substances and other dangerous methods of coping to numb the sadness that I was losing myself to.

In addition to my depression, which started at such a young age, I also tussled with my gender identity. I recently came out fully to my friends and family as a trans-man and this truly was one major step to retaking control of my own path. Shortly after that, I knew I desperately needed a higher level of therapeutic mental health care and I fully surrendered to it. I turned to HopeWay to guide me through the right gate to healing. HopeWay has armed me with the skills and tools I need to be a better me for myself, and for the ones I love. I am now fully transparent with myself and with my support system, sharing both my small victories and continued goals in navigating my mental health. I am also now my own strongest advocate.

HopeWay's Treatment Programs 

Self-advocacy is the biggest takeaway from my treatment at HopeWay. Past traumas had stolen my voice, but the growth I’ve experienced has helped me reclaim it.

Life After HopeWay 

Now that I have increased self-confidence, I speak loudly and proudly, advocating for my own needs without any fear. My growth has also allowed me to start feeling the same love and support that I ceaselessly share with those around me. As I continue to walk this healed path, I intend to pursue graduate school within the field of forensic anthropology and biology. I also hope to start hormone replacement therapy to begin my full physical transition into my true self.

I am so thankful to absolutely everyone at HopeWay for helping me see my own beautiful reflection, and a huge thanks to my primary therapist and my psychiatrist. Lastly, a massive and special thanks for my family: my father, Jon, my mother, Karyn, and to my #1 fan, my twin sister Mikayla. Thank you for making this happen and for supporting my every step to hope and happiness.


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Editor's note: This blog post is presented for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. If you have any health concern, see a licensed healthcare professional in person.