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Family & Friends Programming

November 24, 2017

The Friday after Thanksgiving, HopeWay welcomed current clients' families and friends to a day of programming that built awareness of what people who have a mental illness go through and provided examples of support that are most effective for a client's recovery process.

HopeWay therapists led sessions focused on how to successfully navigate the holidays, mindfulness and meditation practices and provided a deeper explanation of the treatment model clients experience at HopeWay.

Part of the programming included a panel of HopeWay alumni and parents who shared their personal stories with the group. Alumni talked about how they felt when they first learned they had a mental illness, what it was like to share this reality with their family members, and which types of support they found to be most helpful. Family members on the panel discussed their struggles when they first learning about their loved one's mental illness and provided examples of what helped them better understand mental illness and offer compassionate support.

Current clients and their family/friends left the panel discussion with a clearer perspective of what to expect after graduation, as well as a heightened sense of hope for healing.

This was the first in a series of programs HopeWay will offer to clients' families and caregivers. The next one is scheduled for the Friday before Christmas.


Editor's note: This blog post is presented for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. If you have any health concern, see a licensed healthcare professional in person.